Zostań Członkiem zwyczajnym EEAA

Członkowie zwyczajni to są firmy-producenci zaangażowani w produkcję rolną-przemysłową oraz rolno-spożywczą. Nasza sieć Członków stowarzyszonych, składa się z dealerów i dystrybutorów prowadzących swoją działaności stricte w branży rolniczej. Dzięki specjalistycznej wiedzy branżowej ekspertów Aliansu, możesz zaoszczędzić czas i pieniądze, tworząc w szybki sposób i wysokiej jakości sieć dealerów w regionie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, która pomoże Ci rozwijać biznes.

Korzyści z Członkostwa Zwyczajnego

Potential markets and distributions channels

Our experts develop an in-depth analysis of member expectations and business profile to recommend a market entry strategy for a product category and provide a range of necessary information about the characteristics of the local distribution channels. We’ll find the the most suitable dealers or distributors among our Associate Members.

Local contacts

A safe market entry represents a major challenge. We work with diplomatic missions abroad to facilitate the selection and identification of potential business Partners and establish contacts with local authorities.

Discount for Exhibition Area

​Benefit from Alliance positive relationships with local and international exhibition and fairs organisers to get discounts for your company.

Involvement in EEAA decisions

​Attend board of directors meetings, vote on initiatives and participate in committees that will help grow the Eastern European Agricultural Alliance.

Connect to the industry

​Network with industry professionals from across CEE region and use the Alliance logo on your website to let others know you are a part of an elite group of equipment dealers.

Hot Line and Assistance

With the help of our Regional representatives and Product Stewardship Program we assist our members throughout the whole expansion process and much longer, developing and strengthening together dealership network.

A powerful voice

Benefit from our positive relationships with regional associations, manufacturers and government officials, with representation on a local, regional, national and international scale.

Up-to-date industry News

Be the first to hear about regulatory practices that impact your business through regular communication regarding advocacy efforts. Read about industry and association news and subscriptions to a weekly e-newsletter.

Business resources

Help your business grow with access to legal assistance, educational opportunities, marketing and promotional materials, research and technical support.

Eastern European Agricultural Alliance