Become EEAA Institutional Partner

Institutional Partners are industry associations/organizations.

Benefits of Institutional Partnership

Potężny głos

Skorzystaj z naszych pozytywnych relacji ze stowarzyszeniami regionalnymi, producentami i urzędnikami państwowymi, z reprezentacją na skalę lokalną, regionalną, krajową i międzynarodową.

Aktualne wiadomości branżowe

Be the first to hear about regulatory practices that impact your business through regular communication regarding advocacy efforts.

Zasoby biznesowe

Rozwijajcie swoją firmę dzięki dostępowi do pomocy prawnej, możliwości edukacyjnych, materiałów marketingowych i promocyjnych, badań i wsparcia technicznego.

Zaangażowanie w decyzje

Bierz udział w spotkaniach zarządu, głosuj nad inicjatywami i uczestnicz w komisjach, które pomogą rozwijać Wschodnioeuropejski Alians Rolniczy.

Kontakty biznesowe

​Nawiąż kontakty biznesowe z profesjonalistami z branży z całego regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i użyj logo Aliansu na swojej stronie internetowej, aby poinformować innych, że jesteś członkiem Aliansu.

Kontakty biznesowe

​Nawiąż kontakty biznesowe z profesjonalistami z branży z całego regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i użyj logo Aliansu na swojej stronie internetowej, aby poinformować innych, że jesteś członkiem Aliansu.

Manufacturer Relations

Enhancing the dealer-manufacturer relationship is a primary goal of the Eastern European Agricultural Alliance (EEAA). Our ongoing effort to create a mutually-beneficial business environment entails the following:

  • A business-oriented and cooperative approach in addressing issues with manufacturers;
  • One voice for the dealer body, fostering productive relationships with manufacturers that encourage discussion and cooperation in seeking changes to dealer agreements or other documents;
  • A broad-based knowledge of contract terms used by manufacturers, providing valuable background information for understanding market terms and areas where adjustments may be discussed;
  • Timely communication to inform dealers of key issues within the context of limitations imposed on manufacturers.

Contract Reviews

Enhancing the dealer-manufacturer relationship is a primary goal of the Eastern European Agricultural Alliance (EEAA), and our ongoing effort to pursue balanced dealer agreements is essential to this goal. When a manufacturer introduces a new version of a dealer agreement or proposes changes to an existing agreement, EEAA routinely conducts a legal review of the agreement and works with the manufacturer to address any issues that may be identified. In working with the manufacturer before the agreement is distributed to the dealer network, EEAA helps to address dealer questions and facilitates implementation of the agreement.

Government Relations

EEAA monitors and reports on CEE State legislation that affects our dealers and how they do business. Additionally, EEAA monitors and reports on legislation that affects our industry on a broad scale and more specifically, on our particular supply chain (i.e. manufacturer and consumer issues).

EEAA works to involve dealers in the legislative/law-making process through in-person, telephonic and written efforts.

EEAA influences legislation that affects our dealers and their respective business operations. We do this through various avenues including employing individual lobbyists who advocate on behalf of the Alliance, participating in key coalitions and through the organization of membership in key in-person, telephonic and written efforts.

Eastern European Agricultural Alliance